What Was One Expression Of Anti-Immigrant Prejudice And Racism

What was one expression of anti-immigrant prejudice and racism? Anti-immigrant legislation has been a persistent feature of American history, reflecting deep-seated fears and prejudices against newcomers. This legislation has taken various forms, from restrictive quotas to outright bans, and has had a profound impact on immigrant communities.

The first major wave of anti-immigrant legislation came in the late 19th century, with the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. This law barred Chinese workers from entering the United States for ten years and effectively ended Chinese immigration to the country.

Essential FAQs: What Was One Expression Of Anti-immigrant Prejudice And Racism

What is anti-immigrant legislation?

Anti-immigrant legislation is any law or policy that discriminates against immigrants or makes it more difficult for them to enter or live in a country.

What is the Chinese Exclusion Act?

The Chinese Exclusion Act was a United States federal law that barred Chinese workers from entering the United States for ten years and effectively ended Chinese immigration to the country.

What are immigration quotas?

Immigration quotas are limits on the number of immigrants who can enter a country each year.